
Showing posts from September 6, 2020

Media Law Blog One

It's important to keep informed about the news and what's going on in the world, what five sources do you rely on for news?                Rogue Rocket                         Rogue Rocket is currently my primary source of day to day news. It's a news organization that began on YouTube and has since expanded out. I personally trust them because in the daily news video there's a clear divide between the news host's opinion, and the facts. They don't give facts based on what makes "their guy" look best, they state the truth, and correct themselves when they don't.                CNN                         While I would consider myself a moderate, I find myself accepting the spin CNN puts on their news more often than other sources. That being said, the fact that they are a left wing media source doesn't escape me. They tell the facts in a way that pushes their narrative.                Fox                         Because I look