
Showing posts from October 11, 2020

Media Law Blog Seven

  Write about a technology that someone else did or that another team did.      I always knew that photography was one of the oldest mediums for preserving what we see but I never realized just how old that history was. The fact that the theory of Photography existed around 480bc and that five hundred years later around 990bc we'd be unraveling the mysteries of our eye is baffling. It took until 1803 for the preservation of photographs to begin but that doesn't diminish the thought experiments of the previous centuries.     Now, photographs are a staple of our social structure. We share them in person, online, comment on each other's photos, and even steal photos to make our own. A photo can literally say a thousand words with how much manipulation they can go through. Someone with a good working knowledge of Photoshop can totally twist an image to show something else. There's a point where laws about free speech will have to catch up with photographs and address the

Media Law Blog Six

Do a KEY POST based on your research for this EOTO project.   Mobile Games' Grab at Messaging    There's no denying that mobile games are an incredibly fun way to keep in touch with your friends. Find that perfect game you all enjoy and you'll be able to spend time together without risking your health. Player retention is an art. Mobile games are beginning to master that art as they begin to understand that the most important aspects of retention are social features.  Studies and thesis have been written about this topic , in both there's a clear trend towards social features retaining users the most. In Anna Narinen's thesis, she highlights two areas as most important; social media and social interaction.    She frames social interaction as features that allow players to interact—like; giving gifts, adding friends, and inviting them to play. Games don't have to be multiplayer-focused to add features like these. Candy Crush, a game that has no multiplayer, incl