Media Law Blog Two

Write about the history and workings of the U.S. Supreme Court using this 20-minute video as a jumping off point — Part I and Part II.  —OR—  Read this overview about the Supreme Court created by the History Channel:  SCOTUS History   

       The Judaical Branch of our Government is always meant to be a neutral party between the Executive and the Legislative Branches. Should the Judicial Branch develop a clear bias then that will become reflected in the rest of our nation. The elements of our constitution are always up for interpretation which means any political leaning can bend the constitution to their beliefs. This week, we reached a tipping point, as Justice Ginsburg has passed and Trump is appointing his third Justice. Four years ago, the appointing of a Justice was delayed due to it being an election year, now in the other hands, this no longer holds true.
    Following our election in November depending on how the appointment goes, we are likely to see a few different results. Trump is likely to polish off his appointment and begin testing the new waters with his new Justice. If Biden is elected and the Justice is appointed before then, we're likely to see something that hasn't happened since 1869; when the number of Justices was increased. This, in turn, would create a new Liberal bias to the court which could be just as deadly, especially if it gives Democrats control of all three branches.


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