Media Law Blog Four

 Fast forward to today, when the United States government is waging military operations all over the globe. Explore this website: ANTIWAR.COM  Also explore this one: American Conservative  Notice how the writers on these sites are all very strong antiwar voices that you NEVER seem to hear in the mainstream news. I wonder why that is, don't you? You've probably never even heard of these websites. I wonder why that is? Why do you think you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices?


         Over the last century, the news has solidified itself as exactly that, the News. They are the ones who control which stories are seen across the nation, and they're the gatekeepers of the public opinion or... they were. Public opinion has begun to sway against the media and people begin looking beyond them for their facts and sources. Local news is the first stop but going to the fringes, you find sites like Antiwar and American Conservative. The American Conservative is an actual news site that runs stories and opinion pieces. The articles they publish are insightful and well written. Despite the name of the journal, the pieces don't feel like they're shoving Conservative views down your throat, in fact, I found the site more stomach able than Fox News. ANTIWAR was more a hub of articles and news pieces that related to the main topic. Each one would take you off the site and to the article in question. It quickly became a nice way to find other news sources just by site hopping. Both of these sites aren't widely known because they aren't making a song and dance out of the news. They do their best to inform the audience. News organizations these days look to direct the audience instead. Unfortunately, those sites that inform are buried in the search engines.


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