Media Law Blog Five

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    Election day is right around the corner. People are raising their voices to be heard. Our nation is making a choice that will have an impact for the next decade. Could Trump win and make America Great Again? Will Biden remain the moderate or will the Left take control of every branch of government? One thing is for sure, our nation is changing around us and it's become difficult to keep track of what is political and what isn't. In this Election time it's important to acknowledge how important it is to Participate in Self Government. As citizens it's our duty to vote. Personally, I've jumped through half a dozen hoops to make sure my mail-in-ballot is going to make it to me. The first ballot never did because of the changes to our mail in system.

Why vote-by-mail may not save our elections from the virus' disruption -  POLITICO

    There are some who believe there is an active war against our right to vote. In Georgia, I witnessed the limiting of polling sites in major areas, major black communities mostly. While much of this is down to Corona, there were active steps taken to shut down further polling places. This put a strain on the ones that were open and drove many people towards Mail-in-Voting. Unfortunately, our President has admitted he's against Mail-in-Voting and took steps towards unraveling it. He removed funding and prompted cutbacks through out the department. The public push back has driven Trump to backtrack on his words slightly, but it's likely that the damage has been done. There is no real Check on Government Power to prevent Trump from doing this to our mail system. Our Judicial system is split and the Senate is controlled by the Republicans, so there are no ways for the Voters to make themselves heard politically. Our voices and our right to Participate in Self Government are all we have. Working in the University Mail Room gave me a live view of the effects as some packages and letters are delayed, or even lost before even arriving. This isn't a frequent occurrence, but before it never happened.

    In addition to the attacks on Mail-in-Voting, the eruption of the war against TikTok also seems politically motivated, rooted in the inflation of rally numbers by TikTok members and the mockery they made of Trump on that site. Its easy to believe that our opinionated president made this choice, but that doesn't mean its true. What is true, is that this is a clear statement about any believed foreign surveillance in our nation, but it also sends a message that the President of our Nation has a say in business deals if he so desires. In a way this isn't Promoting Innovation, but curbing it. TikTok, while it does have ties to outside Nations, it is not directly controlled by them. This kind of action deters future companies from bringing their product to America out of the fear that they might be targeted for being foreign.


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